DIY Homemade Baby Wipes

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DIY Homemade Baby Wipes

Our friends A & J have the cutest, fattest baby! His chubby butt needs cleanin’ and everyone has hoarded up all the wipes. HOARDED BABY WIPES!!! So the Hubs took to the internets to see if he could make her some, and yes you can! With ingredients we have on hand no less. And they are awesome.

Here’s all you need:

1 roll of name brand paper towels

Tupperwares (64 oz Gladds rectangles work well when tubes are squished in)

2 T coconut oil or jojoba or sweet almond or any good oil

3 1/4 cups water (3, but 1/4 will probably boil off)

2 1/2 T liquid soap- we used Doc Bronner’s cuz we’re hippies

1 TBS Aloe Vera Gel (This is seems to melt into the boiled water, but when poured on top of the towels it’s seems to solidify again. Not a problem. I just rub in the small jellies on top.)

8 drops of essential oil for smell or tea tree for antibacterial purposes ( he used a combination of sage, sweet orange & lavender)


Cut your paper towels in half with a sharp chef’s knife. Then work around the top and bottom of the cardboard tubes and get that sucker out, because this is where you’ll tear each wipe from. Place each in the tupperwares.  

Boil your water for 5 minutes to kill off any germs. Then off the heat, add your oils, soaps, gels, and smells and stir until combined. Grab a ladle, and ladle the boiled liquid over the top of one of the halves of the paper towels. Ladle strategically so you soak the whole thing evenly. You can just pour it on directly out of the pot, but it’s hot and I find this is more controlled and evenly dispersed.


Then squish the roll down gently with the lid and you’re done! Wipe them buns!

Feel free to share this with other Mom’s and Pop’s out there. It’s important for everyone to stay home as much as possible & running all around looking for wet wipes is madness. We mailed these to our friend in another state as a surprise. Have fun making super easy DIY projects & help a friend out! 

#flattenthecurve #diybabywipes #diywetwipes 
